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The filter sens (P LX FILTER SENS), or inhibitor, is a device used to delimit a zone within which, in accordance with the
client's safety needs, the tags are temporarily disabled.
This device is found in the cabin of the vehicle; in this way, the driver can wear a Tag while driving without being detected
by the system. The Tag is reactivated 3 seconds after the driver is out of the range of the device so that the driver is
automatically safe (for example, when he gets out of the vehicle).
The inhibitor must be installed in the cabin.
The technology used by the device allows creating an inhibition zone of up to 4-m radius within which the TAGs will be
For this reason the device must be placed centrally in the vehicle and very close to the TAGs worn by the driver. The radius
of action range of the device (power) can be set to the minimum necessary in order to minimize the inhibition zones
outside of the vehicle.
Check if there are devices such as 125kHz badge readers.
They may interfere with the operation of the filter module. If necessary, adjust the position of one of the two
devices in order to reduce interference.
Use the mechanical joint supplied to fix the device or remove the fixing bracket from the device, and fasten it to the
surface using double-sided tape (e.g.,
3M Dual Lock
reclosable fastener).