D397-50-880 Issue C
Page 14
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Simple set up instructions for the TIC version
1. Make all the connections to the TIC as appropriate to the system needs and as defined in the TIC instruction
2. Ensure the TIC protocol is set to ’RS232’ (not RS485) and the ’comms address’ is set to ’00’ which is the TIC’s
factory default. This can be done from the TIC’s parameters/units menu.
3. Connect the short serial cable provided between the TIC and Profibus module.
4. Connect the Profibus cable (provided by customer) to the Profibus connection.
5. Set address switches.
6. Load the GSD file into the Profibus system configurator (provided by customer).
7. Select module 904 to provide on and off control of a turbo pump connected to the TIC and select modules 913-
915 to provide gauge control.
The TIC controller is provided with factory set defaults, which are suitable for basic operation of the
8. Connect the 24V power supply to the Profibus module.
9. Connect the mains supply to the TIC, and turn the TIC on.
10. The TIC controller is available for basic operation within a Profibus Fieldbus system.
Simple set up instructions for the DX version
1. Connect the 15 way flying lead from the DX pump to the Profibus module.
2. Connect the Profibus cable (provided by customer) to the Profibus connection.
3. Set address switches.
4. Load the GSD file into the Profibus system configurator (provided by customer).
5. Select module 852 to provide on and off control.
The DX pump is provided with factory set defaults, which are suitable for basic operation of the pump.
6. Connect the 24V power supply to the Profibus module.
7. The DX pump is available for basic operation within a Profibus Fieldbus system.