D397-50-880 Issue C
Page 18
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All 10 standard DP baud-rates are supported. These are: 9.6Kbd; 19.2Kbd; 45.45Kbd; 93.75Kbd; 187.5Kbd; 500Kbd;
1.5Mbd; 3Mbd; 6Mbd; 12Mbd. The unit has no facility for adjusting baud-rate as detection is automatic, and it will
therefore respond to the baud-rate chosen by the master.
Software format
The Slave software is based upon a modular configurable architecture so the user has considerable control of the
contents of the Data exchange messages.
The software modules (defined in the GSD files) generally follow the TIC and DX pump serial communications objects.
In terms of the TIC/DX serial comms the Profibus input data is provided by ?V, output data is sent by !C and
parameterisation by !S. The unit uses ?S to check that parameterisation has succeeded but this data is not returned
over the Profibus network as there is no equivalent Profibus message.
When the unit is linked onto the Profibus it will be parameterised and then configured before entering data exchange.
The parameterisation and configuration choices are in the GSD file and its comments describe the data content of
the input, output and parameterisation bytes. These choices will often be made using a third party configurator such
as SyCon that presents an user-friendlier interface.
16-bit valves are transmitted with the MSB first and the LSB last.
The TIC version has one common parameterisation - front panel lock/unlock. The other parameters are modular and
will only be sent when a module is selected in the configuration. The TIC and the DX both remember the
parameterisation during power down so if it is required to alter a parameterisation you must send it (include it in the
configuration list). Parameter settings do not go to default during a power down. On the TIC if a module is in the
parameterisation do not alter its settings from the front panel. Conversely if a module is not in the parameterisation
then you could sensibly set up from the TIC front panel.
In order to speed up the true data exchange rate (the serial comms information transfer is relatively slow or very
slow compared to Profibus) the configuration list might not include all modules and therefore those modules left out
will not be parameterised. As the TIC and DX remember their settings during power down this will not normally cause
a problem once the TIC or DX has been initially set up. However, if the TIC or DX is replaced with a different one it
will not be fully set up by the parameterisation and the user must takes steps to correct this by either setting up the
missing modules using the front panel or temporarily adding the modules to the configuration.
The TIC and DX come with factory default settings that suit simple operation, it is not necessary to alter these settings
to simply turn a pump on/off or read a gauge, see their respective manuals for further details. In general the GSD
defaults match the TIC and DX factory defaults.