Service Provider.
Subnet Mask
Input the subnet mask assigned by your Internet
Service Provider.
Default Gateway
Input the IP address of PPTP default gateway.
User Name
Input the user name of PPTP connection server.
Input the password of PPTP connection server.
PPTP Gateway
Input the IP address of PPTP default gateway.
Connection ID
Input connection ID assigns by your ISP (only when
requested by your ISP).
Please input the MTU value of your network
connection here (from 512 to 1492). If you don’t know
which value you should use, you can use default
Check ‘Enable’ only when you’re using BEZEQ
network in Israel.
Connection Type
Select connection type here:
Continues: Travel router will maintain connection and
never disconnect
Connect on Demand: Travel router will establish
connection only when there’s connection request
from client
Manual: You have to connect or disconnect PPPoE
connection manually (by click ‘Connect’ and
‘Disconnect’ button.
Idle Time Out
Please specify the time to shutdown Internet connect
after no internet activity is detected in minute(s) from
1 to 1000. This option is only available when
connection type is ‘Connect on Demand’.
When you finish settings in this page, click ‘Apply’ button. You’ll see the
following message: