Encryption: WEP
You have to input encryption details:
Key Length: Select key length (64 or 128 bit)
Key Format: Select key format (ASCII or Hex), and
input the key characters in ‘Encryption Key’ field.
Default Tx Key: Select WEP default Tx key here,
generally it’s ‘Key 1’.
Encryption Key: Input WEP key characters.
Encryption: WPA
pre-shared key
You have to input encryption details:
WPA Unicast Cipher Suite: Select ‘WPA (TKIP)’ or
‘WPA2 (AES)’ according to the cipher setting of the
access point you wish to connect.
Pre-shared Key Format: Select ‘Passphrase’ (ASCII
characters) or Hex (64 hex characters).
Pre-shared key: Input key content here.
When you finish settings in this page, click ‘Apply’ button. You’ll see the
following message:
If you still need to configure this Mini wifi travel router, click
‘CONTINUE’ button; if you want to save changes and make it work
now, click ‘APPLY’ button. You’ll be prompted to wait for 30 seconds
before you can reconnect to this Mini wifi travel router.