Installation Manual
ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary
Direct Terminal Access
The Central Connecting Panel contains 2 RS232 ports labeled RS232A and RS232B for
direct terminal access to the NI cards.
Central Filtering Unit
The 960E requires only one Central Filtering Unit card for proper operation and has an
option for two Central Filtering Unit cards, CFU A and CFU B. The Central Filtering Unit
cards provide filtering to the -48/60V
power feed, supporting dual power filtering and
redundancy and can be hot extracted or inserted.
If two power sources are used, the Central Filtering Unit cards share the power load. If
one power source is missing, the Central Filtering Unit of the other power source assumes
the entire load. If one Central Filtering Unit fails, or is not installed, the other Central
Filtering Unit card assumes the entire load.
1.2.10. Fan
The FAN unit contains six fans. The Fan Module can be field replaceable without affecting
traffic, if the replacement is accomplished within a few minutes.
The fans are wired in a pattern to ensure that in case of a hardware failure, no single slot
will lose cooling. In the event of a failure of any one of the fans, the remaining fans also
switch to Turbo mode to maintain cooling power.
The fan card is controlled by the NI cards. Controls include speed, start and stop. Reports
include shelf temperature and fan status.