5 Error messages
5.1 Introduction
DA1 Variable Frequency Drives
08/18 MN04020005Z-EN
Motor overload. The thermal protection mechanism has tripped as a result of
the device being run above the rated motor current set with P1-08 longer than
a specific time.
• Check to make sure that the motor data was entered correctly in P1-07,
P1-08, and P1-09.
• In vector mode (P4-01 = 0 or 1): Check whether the value cos
(P4-05) has
been entered correctly and a motor identification run has been successfully
• Check the motor's connection configuration (e. g., start/delta).
• If the decimal points on the display flash during operation, this means that
the unit is being run in its overload range (> P1-08).
In this case, use P1-03 to make the acceleration ramp longer or reduce the
• Make sure that the motor is not being mechanically blocked and that there
are no additional loads on the motor.
Overcurrent (Hardware)
• Check the wiring to the motor and the motor itself for short-circuits and
ground faults.
• Disconnect the motor cable from the variable frequency drive and switch
the variable frequency drive back on. If the error message still appears, the
device needs to be replaced. Before commissioning the new device, check
the system for short-circuits or ground faults that could have caused the
device to fail.
Overvoltage in DC link
The DC link voltage value can be viewed using parameter P0-20.
P0 contains an error register with the last values before the unit was switched
off -36 (scan time: 256 ms).
• Check to make sure that the supply voltage falls within the range for which
the variable frequency drive is sized.
• If the error occurs during deceleration or stopping: Extend delay ramp
(P1-04/P2-25) or use a brake resistor.
• In vector mode (P4-01 = 0 or = 1): Reduce the speed controller’s
amplification (P4-03).
• When using the PID controller: By reducing P3-11 (PID1 error ramp),
ensure that the ramps are active.
Undervoltage in DC link
Generally, this message will appear when the supply voltage is switched off
on the device and the DC link voltage has dropped.
In this case, there is no fault.
If the message appears during operation:
• Check whether the power supply voltage is too low.
• Check all components/devices in the variable frequency drive’s feeder
circuit (circuit-breaker, contactor, choke, etc.) to make sure they are
connected properly and have the correct contact resistance.
Error no.
Possible cause and remedy