• Long keypress: Immediate acknowledge: All latched items are reset by simply
pressing the »Ack/Rst« key (for ca. 1 second):
◦ All LEDs, and
◦ all Relay Outputs, and
◦ all latched SCADA signals, and
◦ the Trips.
Whenever the LEDs are reset an LED test is also executed: All LEDs flash in red color for a
second, then flash in green color for a second.
Independent of which resetting type you have set, note that you are asked to enter the
If there is the need to be able to reset without entering any password set an empty
password for the level »Prot-Lv1«. For general information about passwords and security-
related considerations, see
External Reset
[Device Para / Ex Acknowledge] »Ack LED«
✔ Assigned signal
resets all LEDs.
[Device Para / Ex Acknowledge] »Ack RO«
✔ Assigned signal
resets all binary output
[Device Para / Ex Acknowledge] »Ack Comm«
✔ Assigned signal
resets latched SCADA
1 EMR‑3MP0 Motor Protection Relay
1.5 Resets