The reader is expected to know the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, electrical
components and electrical schematic symbols. This document is written for a
global reader.
Read this document before you start to operate or do work on the UPS.
CE marking
The product has a CE marking in compliance with the following European
LVD Directive (Safety) 2014/35/EU
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
Declarations of conformity with UPS harmonized standards and directives EN
62040-1 (Safety), EN 62040-2 (EMC) and EN 50581 (RoHS) are available at
www.eaton.eu or by contacting your nearest Eaton office or authorized partner.
User precautions
The only permitted user operations
Startup and shutdown of the UPS, excluding the commissioning startup
Use of the LCD control panel
Use of optional connectivity modules and their software
Obey the precautions and do only the described operations. Do not deviate from
the instructions. It can be dangerous to you or cause accidental load loss.
Do not open any other screws in the unit than those holding the cover
plates of the MiniSlots. Failure to recognize the electrical hazards can
prove fatal.
This is a product for commercial and industrial application in the second
environment. Installation restrictions or additional measures could be
needed to prevent disturbances.
© Eaton Corporation plc 2020. All rights reserved.
Revision: 001
Document ID: P-164000956
15 (141)
Eaton 93PM G2 UPS 50 – 360 kVA
User’s and Installation Guide