E-flite LR-1A Pogo 15e ARF Assembly Manual
9. Use low-tack tape to keep the fin in alignment
with the stabilizer until the epoxy fully cures.
10. Apply thin CA into both sides of the bottom
hinge to secure its position.
Servo and Receiver Installation
Required Parts
Fuselage assembly Servo with hardware (2)
Servo extension, 3-inch (76mm)
Required Tools and Adhesives
Thin CA
Pin vise
Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm)
Hook and loop tape Scissors
Phillips screwdriver: #1
1. Remove the canopy hatch from the fusealge.
Place the elevator servo in the fuselage with the
output shaft to teh front of the fuselage. Slide
the servo to the left. Use a pencil to transfer the
positions for the mounting screws on the servo tray.
2. Remove the servo from the fuselage. Use a pin
vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the
four holes for the servo mounting screws.
3. Place 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole to
harden the surrounding wood. This harder surface
makes the screws more secure when installed.
4. Place the servo in the fuselage. Use a #1 Phillips
screwdriver and the screws provided with the servo
to secure it in the fuselage.