•. If.at.any.time.during.the.charge.or.discharge.process.the.battery.begins.to.balloon.or.swell,.discontinue.
charging.or.discharging.immediately ..Quickly.and.safely.disconnect.the.battery,.then.place.it.in.a.safe,.open.
area.away.from.flammable.materials.to.observe.it.for.at.least.15.minutes ..Continuing.to.charge.or.discharge.
a.battery.that.has.begun.to.balloon.or.swell.can.result.in.a.fire ..A.battery.that.has.ballooned.or.swollen.even.a.
small.amount.must.be.removed.from.service.completely .
•. In.the.event.of.a.crash,.you.must.quickly.and.safely.disconnect.and.remove.the.battery.from.the.model,.then.
place.it.in.a.safe,.open.area.away.from.flammable.materials.to.observe.it.for.at.least.15.minutes .
•. Store.the.battery.at.room.temperature.for.best.results .
•. When.transporting.or.temporarily.storing.the.battery,.the.temperature.range.should.be.from.40–120.degrees.
Fahrenheit ..Do.not.store.the.battery.or.model.in.a.car.or.direct.sunlight.whenever.possible ..If.stored.in.a.hot.
car,.the.battery.can.be.damaged.or.even.cause.a.fire .
• Do not over-discharge the battery. Discharging the battery too low can cause damage to the pack
resulting in reduced performance and duration.
Li-Po cells should not be discharged to below V each under load. In the case of the -Cell
Li-Po packs used for the Blade™ CP Pro, you will not want to allow the battery to fall to below
9V during flight.
The Blade CP Pro -in-1 control unit does not feature a voltage cutoff of any type, so we suggest
that you be extremely aware of the power level of the Li-Po battery pack. If at any time the
helicopter begins to require more throttle than typical to maintain hover or flight, or has lost
significant power, you must land the helicopter and power the motors down IMMEDIATELY to prevent
over-discharge of the Li-Po battery pack. If you continue to run the motors after noticing a loss in
power, it is possible to discharge the Li-Po battery pack too far, causing permanent damage to the
pack. Over-discharge of the Li-Po battery pack can result in shortened flight times, loss of power
output or failure of the pack entirely.
battery.pack,.please.contact.Horizon.Hobby’s.Product.Support.staff.at.1-877-504-0233 .