Maintenance and
Monthly or Long Term
Remove the orifice and clean thoroughly with brush and drill bit. Clean your
indexer barrel with cotton patch when hot. Piston should spin easily when
placed into a clean barrel.
Give good cleaning with brass brush. Use oven cleaner to clean the piston rod
assembly and orifice.
Depending on your company policy, a calibration or calibration check may be
needed on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. It is a good idea to create a
repetitive maintenance schedule for your instrument. We cannot do this for you,
however we can suggest what to do:
Clean, Clean, Clean
Clean the dust and dirt out of the electronics module with clean air every six
months to one year, more often in dirty environments.
Remove the orifice and clean thoroughly.
Clean your barrel.
Use oven cleaner to clean the piston rod assembly and orifice.
Clean dust from optical flag sensor.
Check mechanical tolerances
Is your piston tip in spec? diameter = 0.3730 +/- .0003
length = 0.2500 +/- .0050
Does assembled piston rod weigh 100 grams?
Does your GO/NO GO gage work properly on the orifice?
Orifice length O.K.? length = 0.3150 +/- .0010
Operating temperature within spec? +/- 0.2 degree Celsius
Weights still weigh correctly?
Sample scale calibrated?
Digital Encoder calibration OK?
Series 4000 Melt Indexer Operation Manual
Instrument Maintenance and Troubleshooting