The CLEAR key will clear any active value displayed in the EDIT PROGRAM
mode (EDIT SMART KEY then EDIT SMART KEY again) or any text entry.
The clear key will also clear the PROGRAM number in the VIEW PROGRAM
mode (EDIT SMART KEY) where a new program number can be entered.
The BACKSP key performs a destructive backspace function in text editing
Using combinations of the SHIFT key and the NUMERAL/ALPHA INPUT
keys, either numbers or letters can be entered in the SAMPLE, OPERATOR and
PROGRAM identification modes. Pressing SHIFT then the appropriate
numeric/alpha key enters the alpha input mode. This mode provides a selection of
alpha characters above the SMART KEYS that correspond to the numeric/alpha
key pressed. Press SHIFT to re-enter the numeric input mode.
A space can be entered by pressing the
3, YZ
Your instrument uses a 4 line vacuum fluorescent display, VFD, to display
information. Brightness can be adjusted in the SYSTEM TEST mode.
Dynisco Polymer Test provided three keypads below the VFD, to allow for
quick navigation of the machine interface. The functions of these keys change
depending on the mode of operation. Each SMART KEY is clearly and
concisely labeled to assist you in programming your instrument.
Configuring the
Intro: The SYS (SYSTEM) Mode
Many functions can be performed on the instrument using its operator interface.
Hardware calibrations, tests and option configurations will be discussed in this
The system mode lets the user perform calibrations or hardware tests. The
system mode is entered by pressing the SYS keypad. For complete information
on the keypad and its function's reference
Navigating the Keypad Sections
the manual. Once you have entered the CALIBRATE and TEST Select mode
you can select between calibrate and test.
Series 4000 Melt Indexer Operation Manual
Configuring the Instrument