(e) The working curve can be graphically plotted on the printer.
(f) Entering factor values can generate the working curve.
(g) It is possible to generate a working curve by 2 - /3 – wavelength
2.4.2 Wavelength Scan
(1) The highest wavelength scan speed is 3600 nm/min. The wavelength
range from 1100~190 nm can be scanned in a little over 20 seconds even
if the filter and light source are switched over halfway through the scan.
(2) Wavelengths can be scanned repeatedly to record spectra of a sample
which changes with time.
(3) Photometric values can be printed out at a specified wavelength interval.
(4) Photometric values can also be displayed on the LCD.
(5) The graphic display on the LCD can be output onto the printer. It takes a
little over 10 seconds to make a hard copy.
2.4.3 Secondary Processing Functions
(1) A graph can be displayed with a time scale on the abscissa.
(2) Photometric values can be printed out at a specified time interval.
(3) Data can be calculated for rate assay.
2.4.4 Secondary Processing Functions
The Model HALO RB-10 can store the measured spectrum and its change with
time in the memory.
A variety of secondary processing functions can be applied to the stored data.
(1) The data related to the peak and valley can be printed out in a list format.
(2) Expansion
Three methods are available for expanding the graphic display on the
(a) Simultaneous Expansion of X and Y Axes
The cursor should be moved to define a desired expansion range.
(b) Expansion of X Axis
Numeric values can be input to specify a desired expansion range for
the abscissa.