15.2 Checking and maintenance in use.
15.1 Caution In Use
1. You must turn off the power switch before installation of this equipment
2. Avoid installation places where it is the ultimate cold, hot, and humid.
3. Use a power supply of AC24V, 1.5A output.
4. Please be careful that you connect respective wires without mismatching in installation.
5. Check the controlled cable
s insulation connecting to exterior and supply to power
6. Please keep the equipment from impact and strong rolling in installation or in use
because of the caution of troubles.
Power do not turn on
Power turned on but do not operate.
The acting of pan/tilt is not good.
Either it is not clean on screen or it is
appeared rolling TV lines on screen.
It is not focus on the object by
It is continuously appeared error
message of "P/T POSITION
It is continuously appeared error
message of "SORRY NOT MEMORY"
It does not alarm relay ON in active
alarm state.
Even if sensor is normal, it is
activated abnormal.
When it occurred alarm state, it is not
exactly presser position or different.
When it activate alarm state, there is
no sign on the keyboard controller
Does the electric power supply
into the equipment normally?
In operating, Does the LED
beside power switch light to
Did you select to RS485 or
RS422 exactly?
Did you turn on the ending
terminal register? (The ending
terminal resister can be switch
on/off, if you loose cover of dome.)
Is the power supply AC24V,
1.5A output?
Did you change min. distance
in the set menu?
Did the under body of camera
press or put between others?
Did you set the related
Did you set ON the alarm relay
in the set mode?
Is it correct alarm active setting
status and sensor is either
open or close?
Did you set the preset in the set
Did you use the exclusive
control keyboard?
Yes, I do.
Please ask any other question to related company.
Check either LED is lit or not in the
connector part of back box.
Check the connecting status of data
cable, if it is not lit.
If it is lit, check address and
communication speed setting of DIP
Check the status at number 2 of option
DIP switches.
Switch on the ending terminal resister of
camera to be set in most far away.
Change the adapter has higher current
charge than used adapter.
Change min. distance in the set menu.
Get rid of something that press camera,
and check either camera is rotating in
softly or not.
Please refer to manual book and setting
the function you want
Please select on to enable alarm relay in
the set mode
Please set alarm active mode setting as
to correct to connect status of sensor (it
means either sensor is open or close) in
the set mode.
Check setting status of the alarm preset
in the set mode.
It is need to use an exclusive control
keyboard so that the alarm sound is
activated on the controller
Please select on to enable alarm of the
related camera.