PEB-4720 Main Board
Optional Second LCD Panel Display
An optional second LCD panel can be easily installed on Model H700.
There are two standard pole heights that may be ordered, 150mm and 400mm.
The mechanical fitting of the second panel display is a very simple process.
Position the Model H700 onto it’s side.
Remove the 3 screws and Mounting Cover from the base unit.
Position the already assembled Second Panel Display, Pole and Holder to the base and
secure firmly with the 3 screws.
Now connect the Second Panel Display cables to the Power and VGA sockets on the
underside of the Model H700 unit. If you also ordered the second display Touch panel
option then connect this to the COM4 socket.
Note. CMOS BIOS settings should be altered to make COM4 use IRQ11, and boot
Display ‘CRT+LVDS’ should be enabled.
Dependant upon which operating system is used, drivers will have to be installed,
therefore please refer to the CD that came with your Model H700, or visit our website at: