PEB-4720 Main Board
CD-ROM Installation
1. Please make sure the IDE 2 in the CMOS setup is enabled.
2. Turn off the power.
3. Plug the CD-ROM cable to the CD-ROM port.
C D -R O M
Note: If the CD-ROM cannot be detected by the system, please refer to troubleshooting.
Cash Drawer Installation
1. Before connecting the cash drawer to Model H700, please make sure the driver voltage and
cable pin assignment of the cash drawer matches the definition of the cash drawer port of
Model H700. Please refer to page Cash Drawer .
2. Plug cash drawer cable into cash drawer port.
C a s h D r a w e r
R J 1 1
C o n n e c to r
Note: If the cash drawer cannot be detected by the system, please refer to