Using iScan Duo’s Test Pattern Generator
1. Enable test pattern generator by pressing the ‘Test Pattern On/Off’ button on the Duo’s
remote or using the on-screen menu:
Output Setup
Test Patterns
2. There are 11 levels of control under Gray Scale:
• 0 IRE
• 10 IRE
• 20 IRE
• 30 IRE
• 40 IRE
• 50 IRE
• 60 IRE
• 70 IRE
• 80 IRE
• 90 IRE
• 100 IRE
3. The Duo automatically generates the relevant windowed test pattern for each control above.
For example when 50 IRE is selected, the Duo automatically generates a 50 IRE signal.
4. Adjust Red, Green, Blue component to achieve to correct gray level.
The indicators on the on-screen menu has the same units as that of the Color Gamut control
(percentage of full range gamma corrected RGB)
Using a reference signal connected to iScan Duo’s input
The Duo’s test pattern generator should be turned off in this mode. Provide the reference gray
scale that needs to be calibrated and use the on-screen menu as described in the previous section.
1. Support for Audio only optical and coax sources
This feature is for users who have digital audio only (coax and optical) source (i.e. no video
source) and want to use it with Duo. Previously this feature is not available because the Duo
goes into standby mode when there is no video input (auto standby-on).
The Duo now detects the presence of digital audio (coax and optical) inputs in addition to
video inputs.
To use this feature:
a) Select an unused video input
b) Assign the audio input that is connected to the audio only source using the
on-screen menu below.
Main Menu
Input Adjust
Audio Input
c) Selecting the unused video input effectively selects the audio input.
This feature is independent of the output and will work with all four of the Duo’s audio out-
puts (HDMI A/V 1, HDMI A/V 2, HDMI Audio and Digital coax/digital).
2. HDCP is enabled on the output only if input is encrypted.
The previous Duo software enables HDCP (encryption) if it detects an HDCP based display
even if the input signal is unprotected. The current version enables HDCP only if the input
signal is HDCP encrypted.