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Air Filtration and Refrigerated Air Dryer (cont’d)
As previously noted, the Separator Filter should be located between the Compressor and the Refrigerated Dryer.
It contains a 10 micron Separator Element which protects the Dryer Unit by removing liquids and solid particles 10
microns and larger.
To replace a dirty Filter Element:
Shut the Compressor Unit off.
Bleed any compressed air from the system to ensure there is no pressure at the Filter.
Unscrew the Bowl from the assembly, exposing the dirty Filter Element.
Twist the Filter Element until it comes loose.
Replace with a new Filter Element
Clean any debris from the inside of the Bowl, and re-install.
Needle Type Gauge will return to
when Filter is once again under pressure.
Typical Separator Filter.
Arrow Indicates
Direction of Air Flow
Bowl which Contains
Filter Element and
The label shown above is included with a
replacement Filter Element, and should be
affixed to the outside of the Bowl for future
Filter Element Replacement.
Needle Type Gauge (177+ CFM Filters)
Blue = Filter Element is Clean
Red = Filter Element is Dirty