6. Place a part in the fixture.
7. Grasping the horn firmly, pull the acoustic stack as-
sembly down until the horn is as close to the part as
necessary to align the fixture.
8. Align the fixture with the horn, and tighten the hold-
down bolts, or cap screws, to prevent the fixture from
9. Adjust the mechanical stop of the press so that the horn
stops above the fixture. This prevents pinch points and
avoids horn damage if the acoustic stack assembly
descends when a part is not in the fixture.
Fixture Leveling
For most applications, the fixture must be mounted so
that the contacting surfaces on the horn are parallel to the
contacted surfaces on the plastic part. This ensures that a
consistent, even weld will result. To level the fixture, do
the following:
1. Place a part in the fixture.
2. Loosen (turn counterclockwise) the hold-down bolts
or cap screws and the four leveling jack screws on
the fixture plate. Refer to Figure 7-9.
3. Pull the acoustic stack assembly down to the fixture.
Allow the horn and the part to align.
4. Turn the four jack screws clockwise until a slight re-
sistance is felt. Refer to Figure 7-10.
5. Tighten the hold-down cap screws by turning them
clockwise until a firm resistance is felt.
Figure 7-9
Loosening the Hold–Down
Cap Screws and Jack Screws
Figure 7-10
Tightening the Hold–Down
Cap Screws and Jack Screws
Fixture Alignment
The fixture should be flat on the base.
If the fixture is equipped with leveling
jack screws, adjust the screws so that
they do not interfere with seating of the
fixture on the base plate.
S o m e a p p l i c a t i o n s m a y r e -
q u i r e t h e h o r n t o b e a f e w
thousandths of an inch from contact
with the fixture.
Special applications may require the
Mechanical (MEC) stop to be lowered
so the horn makes contact with the
fixture or anvil. When this is required,
a ground-detect circuit is needed to
terminate the weld cycle.
Do not overtighten the cap screws.
This may flex the fixture plate.
Continued from Previous Page
Page 86
iQ Series
Ultrasonic Integrated Press System i 220 User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-594-02