Network Address System
Network Public Address System
Network Public Address System
5.8 System maintenance
5.8.1 Intelligent paging station
Click “paging station” and tick “upgrade or not?”, and then select “Choose” to upgrade the program, and then
input the terminal IP number need to upgrade, click “upgrade” as shown in the fig.65
5.8.2 Device maintenance
Modify IP:
When the IP terminal conflict with each other, the user can solve it through “Modify IP”:
Select the “ Automatic search” or “ Specify IP”, click “search”, it will show the IP terminal, and select one of it,
click “Modify IP”, it will appear the dialog column, input the new IP address, sub-net mask, default gateway,
server IP address and stand-by IP address remain the same, click “ok” to finish the modification. as shown in the
Fig. (65)