Network Address System
Network Public Address System
Network Public Address System
5) Other settings
Shortcut key settings:
Find the “Shortcut key settings” on “ Other settings” column of “general settings” interface, lick “Shortcut key
settings” to enter the operation interface, as shown in Fig (30)
1. Select “Shortcut key 1”or “Shortcut key 2”, click modify function, it will appear “Shortcut key editor” interface,
as shown in Fig (31)
2. “selection function”
select “play mode”
click “add device” to enter add device interface to set the
terminal device played by shortcut key; Click “add songs”, enter “add source” interface, select the music catalog
and then choose the songs, click “confirm”, it will turn back to “Shortcut key editor” interface, save it to complete
the operation
Click “Modify name” to modify the display name of the shortcut key in the host interface
Fig (31)