Network Address System
Network Public Address System
Network Public Address System
5. System settings
The user should touch the "Set" button on the right corner of the main interface to enter system settings interface.
The interface is as shown in Fig (28).
In a network public address system, all settings should be made via this window. Some of the functions on this
interface requiring entering a sub-menu, including timing programming, audio source management, zone setting,
extension module and phone settings;
5.1 General Settings
1) Time settings
Procedures to modify system time are as follows: The user should firstly select the item to be modified, such as
year, month, date, hour, minute and second, and then press "+" and "-" button on the right of the time bar to adjust
the number. After setting, click "update" button to complete the operation.
2) Security settings
Click on the gray column, the function of the corresponding option works. For example, click “Enter the settings
need password”, the passwords column will appear when the user click system settings icon on the interface, as
shown in Fig (29)
Fig (28)