C H A P T E R 2
Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Successfully
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
There must be at least one vocabulary on the computer, so if you’ve got
only one, you can’t delete it.
Always use the Delete button to delete vocabularies; don’t remove folders
from the NatSpeak\…\Users folder on your hard disk. Using the Delete button is the
only way to properly remove all information about a vocabulary from your computer.
Importing and exporting vocabularies
These procedures apply only to Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional.
Vocabularies are associated with specific users. However, you can copy
vocabularies between users by importing and exporting them. For
example, if you create another user for use with a portable recorder, you
may want to copy your current vocabulary to the new user. You can do
this by exporting the vocabulary from your current first user and then
importing it to the new user. The following sections provide instructions.
To export a vocabulary:
(Optional) Create a folder in which to store the exported vocabulary
files. (The folder can be anywhere on your hard disk.)
Open the user that has the vocabulary you want to export. (On the User
menu, click Open.)
On the Vocabulary menu, click Open.
Select the vocabulary you want to export and click Export. (You may be
prompted to save changes to your speech files.)