C H A P T E R 5
Controlling Your Computer by Voice
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
To minimize a window:
Make the window you want to resize active.
Say “Click Minimize.”
To restore a window to its previous size:
Make the window you want to resize active.
Say “Click Restore.”
To close a window:
Make the window you want to close active.
Say “Click Close.”
If you have trouble getting Dragon NaturallySpeaking to recognize any of the
window commands, you can open the Control menu by saying “Click Control Menu” and
then say them.
Scrolling in windows and
list boxes
You can scroll vertically in a window (for example, and online Help
window) or list box by saying “Move Down” and “Move Up” and then a
number of scroll bar arrow clicks (up to 20). For example, say “Move
Down 4” or “Move Up 10.”
You can scroll horizontally by saying “Move Left” and “Move Right” and
then a number of scroll bar arrow clicks (up to 20). For example, say
“Move Left 10” or “Move Right 5.”