Using Dragon NaturallyMobile
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
If your source is Through the Line Input Jack, press the play button on
your recorder.
Your recorded speech should appear on the screen. If text doesn’t
appear, see the next section, “Troubleshooting.”
When you’re transcribing into the Dragon NaturallySpeaking window, you can
use your computer for other purposes while you wait for Dragon NaturallySpeaking to
If text doesn’t appear on the screen, check the following:
If you’re using the Transcribe Recording dialog box, did you click in
a window after closing it? If you aren’t transcribing in the Dragon
NaturallySpeaking window, you must click in the window in which
you want the text to appear.
If you selected Through the Line Input Jack as your source, did you
remember to press the play button on your recorder? Is your
recorder properly connected to the computer?
Are you playing the right part of the recording? Listen to the source
file to make sure it contains dictation.
Have you changed the volume setting on your recorder since
running the Audio Setup Wizard? If so, run the Audio Setup Wizard
Is your recorder working properly? Check the power source. If
you’re using a battery, make sure it’s fully charged.
If you’re transcribing a wave file, make sure the file is in the
following format: PCM, 11,025 Hz, 16 Bit, Mono.
If you’re having difficulties transcribing text from the Dragon
NaturallyMobile recorder, consult the troubleshooting section of the
online Help files for the Voice It Link software.
Correcting mistakes
After Dragon NaturallySpeaking transcribes your dictation, make sure
you correct any mistakes. To help you check for mistakes, you can play
back your recorded voice as you read what Dragon NaturallySpeaking
transcribed. Listening to your dictation as you read the transcription will
help you identify misrecognized words or phrases.