C H A P T E R 2
Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Successfully
Dragon NaturallySpeaking User’s Guide
Click OK.
For further instructions, follow steps 2–4 beginning on page 39.
Make it a habit to train any words or voice commands Dragon
NaturallySpeaking consistently misunderstands, so the program learns
your pronunciation. Be sure to save your speech files, when prompted, to
preserve the adjustments the program makes.
Running General Training again
If you’ve been following the procedures in this chapter, but Dragon
NaturallySpeaking continues to make a lot of mistakes, you may need to
spend some more time teaching the program how you pronounce words.
You can do this by running General Training again and reading another
training text aloud.
Doing more General Training can also help if your speaking style has
changed since your first experience with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. If
you spend some more time training the program, and make an effort to
speak the way you do when you dictate, you should see an improvement
in accuracy.
There’s usually no time requirement when you do additional training,
but 10 to 15 minutes is a good guideline. If your initial training session
was short (only a few minutes), you may be required to read for up to 30
minutes the first time you run General Training again.
Even if you’re getting good recognition accuracy, consider running General
Training again after you’ve been dictating long enough to have a dictation style (a few
weeks). Doing more training can further improve accuracy if your speaking style has
changed at all since your first experience. Running General Training again is also a good
idea if you move to a noisier environment or change your microphone or sound card.
To run General Training:
On the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Tools menu, click General Training.
Select the text you want to read (you can select a different text than the
one you read the first time) and click Train Now.
Follow the instructions on the screen.