Correcting Words
When Dragon NaturallySpeaking makes a mistake,
it may be because the word you said is not in the
program’s vocabulary. You can correct only the last
word or phrase you dictated. For example, dictate this
I have always wanted to see the White House
Pause when you see the program make a mistake.
“Spell That”
“Correct That.”
Correction box opens.
If you see the word or phrase you want in the list,
you can choose it by saying, for example,
“Choose 3.”
You can choose any number that appears in the list.
Or, you can spell or type the word or phrase in
the Correction box. Say each letter at normal speed,
without pausing. If the word has a capital letter, just
before that letter. Spelling will erase the list
of choices and bring up new ones as you spell.
When the correct word appears in the Correction
box, choose it by saying, for example,
“Choose 1.”
can choose any number that appears in the list.
You can move around the Correction box by voice,
and dictate special characters. For more information,
see the online Help.
Deleting Words
To delete words you just dictated, pause briefly and
“Scratch That.”
To delete words anywhere in your
document, move to the words and select them, and
then say
“Delete That.”
Say (without pausing):
I’m looking forward to seeing you
Pause briefly and say
“Scratch That”
to delete the
entire phrase. If the entire phrase is not deleted, you
can keep repeating
“Scratch That”
(up to 10 times).
Dictate the sentence below, without pausing.
Meet me at the front entrance to the
“Move Back Five Words.”
Then say,
“Select Next
The word “front” is selected.
“Delete That.”
The word “front” disappears.
“Go to Bottom”
to move to the end of your
document and resume dictating.
Deleting Characters
To delete backward one character at a time, say
This is like pressing the Backspace key
on your keyboard.
To delete forward one character at a time, say
Next Character.”
(To delete the previous word, you
can say
“Delete Previous Word.”
For variations on the Delete Next or Delete Previous
commands, see the Command Quick Reference card
at the back of this guide or the Command List of the
online Help.
Inserting Words
When you want to insert words anywhere in your
document, you can use the Move commands to move
the insertion point to the beginning of that word.
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