Issue date: 17 November 2006
39 of 80
LFB image 245554 LFB image 245542 LFB image 245562 LFB image 245540
If the numbers do
match take the set off the run and check all other BA sets on the
station to find the mismatch. If the mismatch is not on the station inform the officer in charge
(OIC) and contact OSG.
Check the condition of cylinder cover and the cover markings. Ensure cylinder cover is
correctly fitted.
Check cylinder connection is hand-tight (finger and thumb pressure only). Check security of
cylinder attachment.
Check condition of backplate and adjust to preferred position if required (reposition second
person connection hose as appropriate).
Check the second person connection hose clips are secure and the hose is held securely in
the clips.
Check operation of BA set retaining bracket and adjust height if appropriate.
Connect charging lead, replace BA set and ensure that the BA set is being charged
(indicated by green LED on rechargeable battery pack and Bodyguard showing
‘battery charging’ icon (see image right). Ensure retaining bracket holds the BA set
securely. Then:
Inspect the condition of shoulder straps, waist belt (ensuring they are fully extended),
fastening buckle, fittings, BA personal line housing (ensure karabiner is attached to the small
‘D’ ring – the gate opening should face towards the wearers body – there is no requirement
to check line condition) and BA cable cutter including pouch.
Inspect the condition of the Bodyguard and clean the display screen as necessary.
Inspect the second person connection, protective blank cap and hoses.
Check the LDV connection (gently push, twist and pull).
Check the face mask and fittings. Head harness straps are not twisted and are correctly
roved. Clarity of vision through the visor.
Check the exhalation valve cover is not damaged or blocked and that the securing screw is
in place.
Fit aids to vision if required.
Operate the first breath button on top of the LDV, release the first breath mechanism by
operation of the additional flow button at the front of the LDV, a click should be heard, this
confirms the mechanism has operated, repeat this test.
‘A’ test: set reduced volume mode, do not use after date, confirm BA set
I.D. and test ADSU
Press the
button of the Bodyguard unit. The unit will emit a single audible
‘bleep’, and then the ‘self-check’ sequence will start (see image right).