Appendix 7
Issue date: 17 November 2006
77 of 80
Appendix 5
– BA set charging point and stowage defect
P, PL and FRU
1 x charging point or stowage defect.
2 x charging points or stowage defects.
1(d) 24
3 x charging points or stowage defects. Note: if it is not possible to restore
all units to operation this can be downgraded according to number of
charging points available.
1(d) 4
4 x or more charging points or stowage defects. Note: if it is not possible to
restore all units to operation, this can be downgraded according to number
of charging points available.
1 (PL & P)
1(d) 4 (FRU)
Aerial appliances
Any BA set charging point defect. Note: BA sets can be rotated with
charged BA sets on pumping appliances.
Any BA set stowage defect.
AWD vehicle and fire boat
Any BA set stowage defect
DIM vehicle 101
Any BA set charging point or stowage defect .
DIM vehicles 003 & 009 (alternative maintenance arrangements)
Any BA set charging point or stowage defect.
24hr response
Response Time
Defect Code
2 hour response – appliance OFF the run
4 hour response – appliance ON the run
1(d) 4
24 hour response – appliance ON the run
1(d) 24
5 day response – appliance ON the run