"Home" screen
Main Menu
This can be accessed by clicking on the button
located in the upper left part of the "Home" screen,
and the following options will be displayed:
Main screen:
Click on this option to return to the "Home" screen.
This option can be used to access technical parameters related to
the "
Boiler" as well as the "Graphics" and "Counters".
This option can be used to adjust all the timer programmes
available in the boiler and to activate the "
Holiday Mode" function to programme
a period of days of absence from the home during which the boiler will stay
turned off. The boiler will turn on automatically at the end of the set period.
This option can be used to access the "General" settings of the APP,
the registered "
Boilers", Heating "Zones" and the user "Account" settings. It is
possible to activate the
mode of the desired boiler and select the
K curve
of operation in each heating zone
(see "Operation according to external OTC
climatic conditions").
Use this option to access the
"Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" and
verify the version of the Application.
Close session:
Clicking on this option will close the user session and redirect
you to the
"Login" screen of the Application.