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You will use two methods to judge if the Vertical gain is good enough: 1) The multi-rotor can lock the altitude
when the throttle stick is at center position; 2) The change of altitude is small during the flight along a route.
You can increase the gain slowly (10% each time) until the vibration emerges along the vertical direction or
the reaction of throttle stick is too sensitive, then decrease 20% of the gain. Now it is a suitable Vertical gain.
Attitude gains determine the reaction speed of attitude from command stick, the
Larger the value the quicker
the reaction. Increase it for sharper and quicker leveling action after command stick released. Unstable
shaking flying and the control feeling will be stiffness and rigid if the value is too high; and sluggish leveling
action and slow braking if too small.
You must upgrade firmware first, then click Default button in first setup parameter.
The vertical gain will NOT affect the manual mode.
The final flight performance is decided by the autopilot parameters and all parts of multi-rotor
(includes mechanical structure, motors, ESCs, propellers and battery). If these parts are not
compatible, you cannot get good flight performance by adjusting the autopilot parameters.
Therefore, if you have high requirement to flight performance, you’d better get a multi-rotor with
good integration test.
If you are new to multi-rotor flying, you can tune the basic parameters first as following:
Increase the basic parameters 10% at a time so as to make your multi-rotor hover or light
oscillate after small angular command input.
Decrease the basic parameters until your multi-rotor can just hover, then decrease 10% more.
Here you can make use of remote gain-tuning channels to tune the gains during the flight:
Followed the instructions in
R/C System section to connect and setup correctly;
Choose the X1 or X2 channel in Remote Adjust for the gain you want to tune. One channel to
one gain.
The range of remote tuning is from half the current value to twice the current value.
Usually the Pitch, Roll, Attitude Pitch and Attitude Roll Gains of hexa-rotor are high then quad-rotor.
STEP2: Enhanced Failed-Safe Methods
Without GPS, please skip this step
Enhanced Fail-safe method will be triggered when MC loses the control signal, no matter what mode you fly.
This could be one of the following situations:
Signal lost between transmitter and receiver, e.g. multi-rotor is out of the communication range, or