©2012 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.
If you choose the Immediately
mode, you should not pull throttle stick under 10% during flight,
because that will stop the motors. If you do it accidentally, you should push the throttle stick over
10% within 5 seconds to re-start the motors.
If you choose the Intelligent
mode, and the throttle stick is under 10%, this will trigger the landing
Procedure, in any control mode. In this judgment, pitch, roll and yaw controls are denied except the
throttle, but multi-rotor will still auto level.
In any control mode, DO NOT pull throttle stick under 10% during normal flight without any reason.
In failed-safe, CSC is denied by MC, motors will hold their state.
STEP3: Command Sticks Calibration
Slides Moving Definition
If you pull the throttle stick to low position, the Slide will move to the left and the craft is down,
Moving the Throttle stick up the slide will move to the right is craft will lift off the ground;
: If you move the rudder stick to the Left the Slide will move to the left, this is nose left, When you
move the rudder to the Right the slide move to the right, this is nose right;
: If you move the Elevator stick down the Slide will move to the left and the craft will move back,
Moving the Elevator Stick up the Slide will move to the right and the craft will move Foward (away from you);
: If you move the Aileron stick to the left the Slide will move left and the craft will move to the left,
when you move the Aileron stick to the Right the slide will move to the right and the craft will move to the right.
Set endpoints of all channels to default values (100%) and set all trims and sub-trims of sticks to 0
on your transmitter first. Keep all curves
’ settings as default since the end-point of transmitter sticks
will be recorded here.
Click the START
button, and move all of the sticks throughout their
complete range several times.
After you do this, click the FINISH
button when you have finished the
above procedures.
If the slides are moving opposite from your stick movements direction, click the reverse button
NORM beside.
All slides should become
when all the sticks are in the middle positions. If slides cannot go back
to center points (become ), just click FINISH, then slides will be at center automatically. If still not,
please reboot MC, and do not apply Tx command during the reboot.
CSC may not start motors If trims and sub-trims of sticks are not 0!