The following code uses Level 2 constructs to enable DECimage persistenly.
Level 1 methods of invoking DECimage are not recommended.
% ------------------ Beginning of Persistent DECimage Enabled ----------
% This code enables DECimage until an additional job
% turns it off, or the printer is reset to its factory
% defaults. Resetting to factory defaults can be done from the front panel
% or through a PostScript job.
% Note that the default SystemParamsPassword for the DEClaser 1152 is its
% product name. If you have changed the SystemParamsPassword, you must
% use the new password as the value for /Password below.
<< /Password systemdict /product get
/InstallSpecialImageActive true
>> setsystemparams
% ------------------ End of persistent DECimage Enabled -----------------
To turn DECimage off persistently across power cycles, send the following code:
% ----- Turns off persistent DECimage --------------
<< /Password systemdict /product get
/InstallSpecialImageActive false
>> setsystemparams
% --------------------- End ------------------------
6.6 Setting Parameters
The following sections explain how the parameters for punch, sharpness, and
dotsize can affect picture quality.
In this section, the term punch parameters are values that increase or decrease
the contrast in highlights and shadows.
6.6.1 Setting the Punch Parameters
The parameters punch1 and punch2 control almost all practical changes in
DECimage tone scale by increasing or decreasing contrast in highlights and
Pictures that appear flat or washed out usually look better when at least one
part of a dark area or shadow area is perfectly black and one part of a light or
highlight area is perfectly white.
If the light areas of the image appear washed out, isolated black dots are
being omitted. You need to decrease contrast in the highlights. Setting punch2
greater than 1.0 increases the density of the black pixels in the highlights.
If the dark values appear as full black, the black pixels are being printed
too large. You need to reduce contrast in the shadows. Setting punch1 to a
negative value reduces the density of the shadow pixels.
Enhancing Picture Quality 6–7