As the picture 3-33 shows, after decompressing the file into the USB’s root directory, the file path is
X://INSTALL/. The upgrade files are in this folder, it total 6 files. There is ch (Chinese) and eng (English).
Motion.out is the main program. The and are the extended code files. Setting is the
setting file.
When upgrading, the entire configuration will be replaced. If you need to keep your Settings, delete the
setting.set file in the install folder. Your original Settings will then not be changed.
The install folder must appear as in pic 3-32 or it can not be upgraded. If the folder name is not correct (for
example install instead of install), the upgrade can not be performed. See as picture 3-33 and 3-34.
Begin to upgrade when USB is inserted into the equipment
After you copied the install file to the USB key, insert the USB into the controllers USB port and then
supply power to the controller. The update will be performed automatically and the screen will not change for
about 30 seconds. Please be patient.
Picture 3-33 If the folder name is not correct, installation can not be performed.
Picture 3-34 Multilevel directory can not work
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Digtital Dream 4 Axis Motion Controller
DDCS V2.1 User’s Manual