Once the registration has finished an email will confirm the registration and
will provide you a domain name.
Dear John,
Thank you for activating your free Dynamic DNS account for your Digimerge DVR. Once you
have set up your Digimerge device and configured your network, you will be able to view your
video images from anywhere in the world using the URL shown at the end of this message.
You can visit the Digimerge Technologies web site at:
Your account name is:
Your account password is:
Your Digimerge license number is:
VCE 400-000A0F014037
You can visit this site to change your account information and to set up additional Digimerge
Set up the Digimerge DVR to use this service as follows:
On the DVR console bring up the menu. Select Dynamic DNS option under LINK. Enter the
necessary information sent you in an email after your DDNS registration to the following field
using the front panel or remote control or through the remote software.
Domain name: johndenver
User Name: johndenver1
Password: smile
DDNS Status:
When you have finished entering the correct DDNS information exit the menu and select
SAVE ONLY and come back to the Dynamic DNS page by selecting LINK(use the left arrow
key) and you will see the following message(you will see GOOD if the information is correct or
else you will see “Fail”)
Domain name: johndenver
User Name: johndenver1
Password: smile
DDNS Status:
Note: if you are behind a router, you must open the port; the default is TCP port 5400
*** Important ***
Please note that normal latencies in the update protocol and Internet propagation delays
require you to wait between 5 and 15 minutes and sometimes even longer for your network URL
to become fully available and operational over the Internet. This is normal for the DDNS