Cora Z7 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/programmable-logic/cora-z7/reference-manual?_ga=2.21685883.1349070004.1564406803-1961480359.1… 3/23
ZYNQ Processor
667MHz dual-core (*single-core) Cortex-A9 processor
FPGA Programmable logic equivalent to Artix-7 FPGA
4,400 Programmable logic slices (*3,600)
80 DSP slices (*60)
270 KB of block RAM () (*225 KB)
DDR3 memory controller with 8 DMA channels and 4 High Performance AXI3 Slave ports
High-bandwidth peripheral controllers: 1G Ethernet, USB 2.0, SDIO
Low-bandwidth peripheral controllers: SPI, UART, CAN, I2C
Dual-channel, 1 MSPS internal analog-digital converter
Programmable from JTAG and microSD card