6.5.1 Power connection
To disassemble the arm, it is necessary to cause a short-circuit between the GND and LIB
inputs, as shown below:
6.5.2 Assembling the arms
The arms are provided disassembled. To assemble them, follow the instructions provided
The wrench used for assembling must be an Allen n.8 and the screw must be tightened to
the maximum to ensure good fixation. All three arms must be attached to the same
central upper point.
1 º L e t t h e m i n i a r m d r o p
2º Make sure the mini
arm's plastic part is
fitted into the steel
3º Fit the stainless steel
arm in the mini arm
4º Fixate the screw
inside the mini arm
u s i n g a A l l e n n . 8
5º Put the arm back into
its normal position.