6.5 Anti-Panic System
Plus has an electromechanical device for anti-panic system (also called
drop-arm device). The mechanism is composed by a mechanical set activated by high-
performance solenoid, maintaining the arm raised during normal operation. In case of
power outage (when the installation has no no-break), or through a command sent via
system, or the activation of an emergency button in the control room, the
electromechanical device is deactivated, dropping the arm that prevents turn, clearing
the entrance of any barrier. This device can be connected in series, allowing the
clearance of all turnstiles at once from one single point.
The control board and monitoring that integrates the device is presented below.
The anti-panic system requires a power of 12Vcc 2A. Optionally, Digicon also provides a
switched-mode power supply (code 019.01.334). To avoid overheating of the solenoid,
the control board has an automatic routine that reduces its voltage to 6Vcc two seconds
after the turnstile is tuned on. One disassembled, the arm should be placed manually
back into position.