JetBox-FloydSC User Manual rev 0.1
Page 23
Digital I/O Specifications
The DIOs on Floyd SC are 3.3V/5V voltage selectable output compliant tolerant. The logic specifications are as
Number of Lines
Programmable bit by bit
Logic Levels
3.3V/5V configurable
Pull resistors
10K ohms +/-1%; Jumper-selectable pull-up/down
Input Voltage Thresholds
Logic 0
-0.5V min, 0.99V(3.3V VIO), 1.5V(5V VIO) max
Logic 1
2.64V(3.3V VIO)/ 3.5V(5V VIO) min, 5.5V max
Output Voltage Thresholds
Logic 0
0.0V min; 0.7V max @ 10mA output current
Logic 1
2.5V(3.3V VIO)/4V(5V VIO) min @ -10mA output current; 3.3V/5V max
Since the DIOs are realized with GPIO expanders, the DIOs do not provide any alternate functions but can only
be used to drive logic high & logic low.