HK 36 TC with Rotax 912 S3
Flight Manual
Doc. No. 3.01.12-E
Rev. 1
06 Oct 2003
Page 3 - 3
Behavior with power off
Under all loading conditions, air brakes extended or retracted, in straight and level or in
banked flight, the powered sailplane enters a horizontal stall, during which the ailerons
remain effective, even with maximum elevator deflection.
A partial loss of positive control in the stick and pedals, buffeting, and a pitch angle of
20° to 30° occur during this condition.
During the horizontal stall, the airspeed indication rises to
approximately 85 km/h (46 kts / 53 mph).
Behavior with power on
See behavior with power off. Exception: at 50 % to 100 % power, straight and level
flight, and maximum rearward center of gravity, the powered sailplane may perform a
stall dive over the left or right wing after entering the horizontal stall if the control stick
is pulled even further.
The horizontal stall can be terminated immediately by relaxing the force on the elevator
If the powered sailplane performs a stall dive, immediately
relax the force on the elevator control and pull out the pow-
ered sailplane smoothly. If the stick is pulled further, the
powered sailplane may start to spin.
Altitude loss resulting from stationary horizontal stall de-
scribed above: approx. 10 - 20 m (33 - 65 ft). Altitude loss
resulting from stall dive over a wing: approx. 40 m (130 ft).