User's Manual |
Chapter 7
Key Management
This section creates and manages the Secure Boot keys and certificates.
Factory Key Provision
When the system is in the Setup Mode, you can provision the system with a configured
factory default key.
Restore Factory Keys
Select "Yes" to force the system to use the factory default settings. It will set the system to
be in the User Mode. It will also configure the NVRAM to contain pre-defined factory default
secure boot keys.
Reset To Setup Mode
Select "Yes" to delete all UEFI Secure Boot key stored in the NVRAM. It will also revert the
system back to the Setup Mode.
Export Secure Boot Variables
Export the NVRAM content of Secure Boot configurations to a file in the root folder of a
selected file system device.
Enroll Efi Image
Enroll a SHA256 certificate of a PE image into the authorized signature database (DB) to
allow the image to run in the Secure Boot mode.
Remove UEFI CA from DB
Remove the Microsoft UEFI CA certificate from the authorized signature DB.
Restore DB defaults
Restore DB variables to their factory defaults. You may also proceed to the next section:
"Secure Boot Variable" to configure DB variables, including Platform Key (PK), Key Exchange
Keys, Authorized Signatures, Forbidden Signatures, Authorized TimeStamps, OsRecovery
Signatures. For each variable, you can choose to show the detailed information of the key(s)
and export, update, append or delete the key(s).