User's Manual |
Chapter 7
Console Redirection Settings
Enable or disable the console redirection function. (The default is disabled.) If you select
to enable it, please configure the following parameters for serial communication between
the system and a remote station:
Terminal type: VT100, VT100+, VT-UTF8, or ANSI.
Bits per second: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200 or 9600.
Data bits: 8 bits or 7 bits.
Parity: None, Even or Odd.
Stop bits: 1 bit or 2 bits.
Flow control: None or Hardware RTS/CTS.
NCT6116D Super IO Configuration
This section configures the system super I/O chip parameters.
WatchDog Timer Unit
SuperIO WatchDog Timer
Enable or disable the watchdog function. A counter will appear if you select to enable
the WDT. Input any value between 1 to 255 in the “SuperIO WatchDog Timer” field.