Pictures for illustrati ng pur poses o nly
System management - Messages
Alerts and alarms
This means that there is no water supply.
The water level does not reach the low water detection lev el (the
unit cannot produce steam). The f ault is trigged on 20 mn (for the
single tank humidifier) and 40 mn (f or the twin tank humidif ier) after
the water inlet is initiated.
When the f ault is displayed, the tank/s is/are drained out, the
general f ault alert is trigged on and the unit is stopped.
5. Water lev el detector - Lime deposits clog the water access to the detector. The latter should be cleaned up
together with the water supply union.
Causes and corrections
1. Water pressure - It must be between 1 & 6 bar and
kept as constant as possible. If not, a water regulator
v alve must be installed on the supply line and
adjusted at 2 bar.
2. Water softener - In case a softener is used, make sure that the
humidif ier is still supplied in water during the regeneration cycles.
4. Steam hose - Make sure that the pitch of the steam
hose is constant and prev ent unecessary ups and
downs. The latter create pockets of condensate that
hamper the natural f low of steam. This generates an
undue pressure inside the tank that prev ents the water
to f lush in.
3. Blue hose in f illing cup - The blue hose in the filling
cup is missing or mislocated. The blue hose must
hav e one end in the water f eed hole and the other
in the middle hole.
7. Water lev el detection - Control water lev el electrode sensors, X1 connector on the water lev el management
board and X6 connector on the main board.
8. Electronics - Change the water lev el management board first. If the fault persists, change the main board.
6. The draining v alve does not close - Either a
piece of chalk keeps the valv e open (this is
the most f requent occurrence) or the valv e
has become faulty. In one case, the complete
cleaning of the v alve solv es the issue and in
the other, the valv e must be changed.
In case the valv e must be changed (the D137
black v alve replaced by the AK Muller white
v alve), the RC3 resistance must be cut off on
the main board Ref. 500101 or the resistance
R26 on board Ref. 500102 (CMS v ersion).
Main board Ref 500102
Main board Ref 500101