Pictures for illustrati ng pur poses o nly
A fresh mains cold water service should be used to supply the
unit. The water pressure should be between 1 & 6 bars & should
not exceed 40°C in temperature. In case the water pressure
exceeds 6 bar, a water regulator valve must be used.
The water supply connection is under the bottom of the unit. The
humidifier is delivered with a water inlet hose of 50 cm long with
a 3/4" female fitting to the cold water supply. A direct copper
connection is PROHIBITED.
A check valve should be located on the mains and cold wa-
ter service connection to the unit.
The inlet valve base has a basket filter (s.a. page 36).
The RTH humidifier uses water to produce steam so leaka-
ge may happen causing potential damage. If an installation
in false ceiling or abov e prime rooms (such as museum,
exhibition or laboratory rooms) is considered, ensure that
the floor below the humidifier is constructed from w ater-
proof materials (w ith draining facilities) to w ithstand any
water spilling during servicing or if a problem occurs.
Information about the w ater quality : chloride concentration :
< 75mg/l, phosphate concentration : < 5mg/l, chlorine consentra-
tion (3 to 6° dA) : < 100mg/l, poor concentration inCO2, organic
elements in poor concentration.
The RTH humidifier can run w ith the following w ater quali-
ties :
Tap or raw water : water TH between 5° and 40° French
Demineralized water : 30µS/cm minimum (caution : the
demineralized water is corrosive; use appropriate piping
material : stainless steel, PVC)
Demineralized water of less than 10µS/cm : for ensuring
a correct water level detection, a special floating water
level detection device must come in replacement of the
standard water level system (s.a. attached picture). This
replacement is factory made when this is specified on the
purchase order or a replacement kit is available for exis-
ting humidifiers (caution : the demineralized water is cor-
rosive; use appropriate piping material : stainless steel,
PVC). Please consult your local reseller.
Water supply service
Check valve
Water inlet hose with 3/4"
female union
Water connection
Floating water lev el
detection dev ice