DFU ProTaper® Universal Retreatment Kit F19 02 89.X/ 04 / 2006 updated 04/2009
3 / 62
1338 Ballaigues
* In the instance of carrier removal, select the appropriately tapered ProTaper
Retreatment file that can
be carried sufficiently deep into the canal and lateral to the carrier. A long engagement zone will more
effectively auger the entire length of the carrier out of the canal.
Soluble Zinc oxide – Eugenol based Paste Removal
When the rotary removal method is utilized, select the lowest speed (250-300 RPM) that will
effectively engage and remove obturation material from the canal.
Flood the pulp chamber with the appropriate solvent (DMS IV from Dentsply Maillefer) and probe the
canal orifice with an explorer to check if the paste has been effectively softened.
Without engaging dentin, gently press the spinning ProTaper
D1 file into the material and use a
short pecking motion to extract material out of the canal. Never engage ProTaper
D1 around a canal
Remove the D1 file frequently, inspect the blades for obturation material and clean the debris from the
Continue with the D1 file, or the ProTaper
Retreatment file that fits passively between the dentinal
walls, until paste is removed from the coronal one-third of the canal.
Select the ProTaper
D2 file and repeat the same pecking action to extract obturation material from
the middle one-third of the canal. Use a brushing outstroke motion to remove material from the canal
When appropriate, choose the ProTaper
D3 file and, in the same way auger the more deeply
positioned paste material out of the apical one-third of the canal.
Continue with the D3 file as long as the flutes of the instrument, upon removal, are loaded with
obturation material.
When the obturation material is short of the canal terminus, use small sized hand files in the presence
of a viscous chelator to negotiate and secure the rest of the canal.
After assessing the glide path, select either manual or rotary NiTi ProTaper
files to shape and finish
the canal.