The start sequence is initiated and continues until the genset starts or the
maximum number of start attempts has been reached. If Hz/V OK the GB
is ready to close.
The genset will be stopped. After disappearance of the running signal, the
stop sequence will continue to be active in the ‘"extended stop time" peri-
od. The genset is stopped with cooling down time.
The cooling
down time is
cancelled if the
stop button is
activated twice.
Close GB
The unit will close the generator breaker if the mains breaker is open
Open GB
The unit will open the generator breaker instantly
Close MB
The unit will close the mains breaker if the generator breaker is open
Open MB
The unit opens the mains breaker instantly.
4.5.2 Test mode
The test mode function is activated by activating a digital input, Modbus RS485, USW or the TEST push-but-
ton on the display.
The settings for the test function are set up in menu
7040 Test
Timer: Period starts when U/f is ok. Engine stops when time runs out.
Return: When the test is completed, the unit will return to the selected mode (manual or auto).
Selection of one of the two types of tests: simple or full.
If the timer in parameter 7042 is set to 0.0 min., the test sequence will be infinite. The test will
be cancelled by pushing TEST again.
The test will be interrupted if the mode is changed to either manual or auto.
4.5.3 Simple test
The controller will go through the start sequence and run the engine for the time set in parameter 7042 with-
out any breaker operation. This sequence is initiated by a digital input or the TEST push-button on the front.
The test will run until the timer expires. When the timer runs out, the stop sequence including cooling down
will be carried out.
4.5.4 Full test
The full test will start the genset, open the mains breaker, if pressent, and close the generator breaker. When
the test timer expires or the test is cancelled by mode change, the generator breaker is opened, the mains
breaker closed, if pressent, and the generator is stopped after the cooldown time.
CGC 400 DRH 4189340786 UK
Functional descriptions
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