For each area, it is defined whether a generator and a mains are present, and the number and type of break-
If a CGC 412 is currently connected, it will not be possible to draw an application with a mains or a mains
This application configuration setup is here to give the user the choice of which breaker type is in use.
It will be possible to choose between "Pulse", "Continuous NE" or "Compact" for the generator breaker.
For the mains breaker, in case a CGC 413 is connected, the choice will be between "Pulse", "Continuous
NE", "Continuous ND" or "Compact".
4.4.3 AMF (no back synchronisation)
Auto mode description
The unit automatically starts the genset and switches to generator supply at a mains failure after an adjusta-
ble delay time. It is possible to adjust the unit to change to genset operation in two different ways:
1. The mains breaker will be opened at genset start-up.
2. The mains breaker will remain closed until the genset is running, and the genset voltage and frequency is
In both cases, the generator breaker will be closed when the generator voltage and frequency is OK, and the
mains breaker is open.
When the mains returns, the unit will switch back to mains supply and cool down and stop the genset. The
switching back to mains supply is done when the adjusted "Mains OK delay" has expired.
CGC 400 DRH 4189340786 UK
Functional descriptions
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