Prior to the start-up, the steps below are to be followed:
check the flow capacity of the system,
check if the system has been filled with water correctly,
water level in the boiler's protection system,
• surfaces adjacent t
o the ceramic nozzle should be sealed with a heat-
resistant sealant (1500
C) in accordance with the following instruction:
set short cycle lever (pic. 3, pos. 16) to
Picture 13. Correct position of lever of the short cycle during firing-up the boiler.
STEP 1: Remove the cover of the side cleanout opening I (pic. 3, pos.
15), then undo the nuts fixing the cover of the side cleanout I (pic. 3, pos.
16) and remove the cover of the side cleanout opening I.
•set the flow damper of secondary air in the charging doors (pic. 3, pos. 4)
set in the position 50% open;
STEP 2: Seal circumferentially the adjacent surfaces of the ceramic
catalysts and walls of the flue gas ducts in accordance with the picture.
Then install the cover of the side cleanout opening I with a shield.
Picture 14. Correct position of secondary air flow damper in charging doors
during firing-up the boiler
flow dampers on both sides of the boiler supplying the secondary air to
the nozzle (pic. 3, pos. 19) set in the minimum opening position (approx.
3 ÷ 4 mm).
STEP 3. Open charging doors and furnace and ash-pan doors of the
boiler. To obtain easier access to the ceramic nozzle you should carefully
remove the furnace partition from the holders and take it out through the
charging hole.
Picture 15. Correct position of secondary air flow damper of nozzle during firing-up
the boiler.
Before charging set the lever of the short cycle to: OPEN, this
will prevent escaping the smoke outside the boiler.
Make sure that the charging doors are closed (pic. 3, pos. 3) and the
short cycle lever and air flow dampers in the correct positions as
presented in pictures 13-15.
Open ash-pan and furnace doors (pic. 3, pos. 5). Prepare slivers of
small pine or other dry wood, lay them in the furnace, up to nozzle height
(approx. 100 mm). Then put a small amount of paper of tourist fuel and
After ignition of approx. ½ of wood capacity
- charge a small amount
of fuel (coal) to obtain the primary glow for the igniting layer.
When the coal reaches suitable heat - charge up to the height of
~100 mm above the bridge to obtain the high kindling layer, and set the
short cycle lever to
STEP 4. Seal circumferentially the adjacent surfaces of the cast iron
nozzle, ceramic catalysts and walls of the flue gas ducts in accordance
with the picture. Then install the furnace partition and close the doors
Picture 12. Sealing method of ceramic catalysts in furnace chamber.
When the heat covers the whole kindling layer you should close the
ash-pan and furnace doors, open the charging doors and add the fuel to
the height of the upper doors in the amounts given for the given boiler.
The correct position of fuel in the combustion chamber is presented
on the below picture. During the correct operation of the boiler, the flue
gas flows through the ceramic nozzle, which is located in the bottom part
of the boiler at the level of the cast iron grate.