1. Intr
1.3 Indications
The DDU-2000 Series Semi-Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is indicated for use on victims of sudden cardiac
arrest (SCA) who are:
• Unconscious and unresponsive
• Not breathing
For patients under 8 years old or less than 55 pounds (25kg), use child/infant electrode pads. Do not delay therapy
to determine exact age or weight.
1.4 Contraindications
The AED should not be used if the patient shows any of the following signs:
• Conscious and/or responsive
• Breathing
• Has a detectable pulse
1.5 Operator Training Requirements
In order to safely and effectively operate the AED, a person shall have met the following requirements:
• AED and/or defibrillation training as required by local, state, provincial, or national regulations.
• Any additional training as required by the authorizing physician.
• Thorough knowledge and understanding of the material presented in this User Manual.
Manual Mode (DDU-2400) is intended for use only by qualified medical personnel trained in advanced life support
skills and ECG recognition who want to deliver a shock independent of AED Mode.
ECG Monitor Mode (DDU-2400 and DDU-2450 only) is intended to be used by personnel trained in basic life and/or
advanced life support, or other physician-authorized emergency medical training. Users should be trained in ECG
recognition to allow for rhythm and heart rate monitoring using standard ECG monitoring electrodes.